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Starting A Business Made 50% Easier

Welcome to my blog! My name is Douglas Bernanke. I have always wanted to start a business and have had the finances and knowledge to do so. But something has always occurred in my life that has interfered, whether it be my sick mom or a brother who desperately needed help getting back on his feet. But I have kept the entrepreneurial flames burning and have continued to research and prepare for the day when I will finally take the plunge and start my business. If you are like me and want to be highly prepared and informed before jumping into the world of business, this is the blog for you!


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Starting A Business Made 50% Easier

    3 Features That Good Point Of Sale Systems Have

    The point of sale system is where retailers actually collect payment and make sales. Because it has such an essential role in retail, selecting the right point of sale system is vitally important. If you own a retail store, here are three features to look for in a point of sale system. An EMV Chip Reader First, every point of sale system you consider should have an EMV chip reader. These are the readers that let systems process credit card payments using chips -- and that's something your business should be doing.

    Temporary Work Can Be An Enjoyable Way To Pay The Bills When You're Between Permanent Jobs

    If you're getting frustrated with your job search and lack of income, it may be time to take a temporary job until something more permanent comes along. There are pros and cons to taking temporary work, but if you've been unemployed for a long time, the pros will probably outweigh the cons. Here's a look at why you should consider a temporary job and what kind of work you might find:

    Three Things You Need Before Starting A Home Handyman Service

    Do you have a knack for fixing things around your home? If so and you are looking for a new career or a way to make extra cash, then starting your home handyman service may be just the thing. Beyond a set of reliable tools, there are a few other things you need to get started if you want to begin this new endeavor on the right foot. #1: Reliable transportation

    Looking To Hire New Church Employees But Never Had To Do So? Tips For You

    When you are the pastor, preacher, or priest for a church, you are essentially the person in charge of the day-to-day operations of your church. While you may have committees and boards that are in charge of certain activities and areas of church life, you are largely responsible at least in part for most hiring decisions for the church. If you have had the same staff working with you since you came to the church, the idea of hiring new staff members may be a daunting one.

    Do You Need Insurance? Covering Yourself During A Move

    Moving can be very high risk. Not only are you moving all of your personal effects, but you also may be moving it on your own -- which means that you could end up involved in an accident. The best way to protect yourself is insurance, but there are a lot of different types of insurance you need to consider.  Moving Truck Insurance Moving truck companies will generally offer you insurance upon rental.

    5 Decoration Tips For Your Mardi Gras Office Party

    Throwing an office party with a Mardi Gras theme is a great way to let your employees relax and encourage team bonding. To help set the tone for your party and make sure your employees get into the spirit, it is important to carefully choose your decorations. Follow these five tips for a positive Mardi Gras office party experience.  Consider the Tone You Want to Set When you first think about Mardi Gras, you will likely think of the outdoor events such as concerts and parades.

    Why You Should Consider Getting Qualified For Information Assurance Jobs

    Are you interested in finding a career that is rewarding and has a competitive salary? You have likely been told that careers in the information technology sector are in-demand and that need is expected to continue to grow. Perhaps you have been exploring various career paths in this industry. If so, it is worth your time to consider information assurance jobs. Regardless of whether you are a recent high-school graduate or an individual who is transitioning into a different industry, this position in the IT field could be right for you.

    Why Ink Fingerprinting Services Are Ideal For Families

    Many modern-day families do not understand how ink fingerprinting services can help them. Even if you have not started having children, this type of service can be beneficial. Perhaps you do not have plans of having children but have aging parents. Fingerprinting services can also be beneficial to you in that case. The following points will help you to better understand how this service can give your family peace of mind and preserve its integrity.