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Starting A Business Made 50% Easier

Welcome to my blog! My name is Douglas Bernanke. I have always wanted to start a business and have had the finances and knowledge to do so. But something has always occurred in my life that has interfered, whether it be my sick mom or a brother who desperately needed help getting back on his feet. But I have kept the entrepreneurial flames burning and have continued to research and prepare for the day when I will finally take the plunge and start my business. If you are like me and want to be highly prepared and informed before jumping into the world of business, this is the blog for you!


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Starting A Business Made 50% Easier

3 Features That Good Point Of Sale Systems Have

by Courtney Kennedy

The point of sale system is where retailers actually collect payment and make sales. Because it has such an essential role in retail, selecting the right point of sale system is vitally important. If you own a retail store, here are three features to look for in a point of sale system.

An EMV Chip Reader

First, every point of sale system you consider should have an EMV chip reader. These are the readers that let systems process credit card payments using chips -- and that's something your business should be doing.

According to CreditCards.com, any business that is not processing credit card payments using an EMV chip reader may be held financially responsible for fraudulent transactions they process. Credit card companies used to be held financially responsible, but the laws changed and shifted responsibility to retailers on October 1, 2015.

Not only should all the systems you consider have EMV chip readers available, but these readers should be included without increasing the cost of a system. EMV chips are commonplace now, and EMV chip readers are the standard way to process payments with chip-enabled cards.

A Customizable Display

Second, lots of point of sale systems now have electronic displays, and some of these displays can be customized. Getting a customized display lets you adjust your point of sale system's interface to your business' particular needs both now and in the future. With a customizable display, you can:

  • Add new products to the system, which makes it easy for employees to check out customers who are buying these new products
  • Remove discontinued products from the system, which clears up on-screen clutter and reduces checkout mistakes
  • Adjust specials to be automatically applied, which lets employees focus on serving customers rather than calculating discounts

A Touchscreen Display

Third, a point of sale system's display should be touchscreen. Today, touchscreens are accurate and affordable, eliminating two reasons why some businesses didn't get them in the past.

Compared to systems with non-touchscreen displays, point of sale systems that have touchscreen displays are faster to use. Employees don't have to look on a screen and then locate a button elsewhere. Instead, they can just tap the screen to press a button.

While the time saved by tapping a screen instead of pressing a button may seem small, it can add up for busy businesses. Reducing transaction time by just a few seconds will speed up how quickly customers can be processed at checkout. This, in turn, will have a positive effect on customer satisfaction and number of customers served per hour.
