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Starting A Business Made 50% Easier

Welcome to my blog! My name is Douglas Bernanke. I have always wanted to start a business and have had the finances and knowledge to do so. But something has always occurred in my life that has interfered, whether it be my sick mom or a brother who desperately needed help getting back on his feet. But I have kept the entrepreneurial flames burning and have continued to research and prepare for the day when I will finally take the plunge and start my business. If you are like me and want to be highly prepared and informed before jumping into the world of business, this is the blog for you!


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Starting A Business Made 50% Easier

Temporary Work Can Be An Enjoyable Way To Pay The Bills When You're Between Permanent Jobs

by Courtney Kennedy

If you're getting frustrated with your job search and lack of income, it may be time to take a temporary job until something more permanent comes along. There are pros and cons to taking temporary work, but if you've been unemployed for a long time, the pros will probably outweigh the cons. Here's a look at why you should consider a temporary job and what kind of work you might find:

Benefits Of Temporary Work

The best thing about taking temp work is that you start earning income. This can fund your search for a better full-time job by giving you funds for a professional resume, travel for job interviews, and for buying a suitable wardrobe. Temporary work also closes gaps in permanent employment. A period of unemployment might look unfavorable on your resume and you might be able to avoid that by filling in the gap with work from a temporary staffing agency.

Temporary work may even suit you better if you plan to move or graduate from school in a few months. Temporary work is often seasonal too, so you can pick up an additional job for a few months that would be difficult to juggle for the long term. Some temporary work comes with benefits such as sick days and holiday pay. Other work may transition into a full-time job, and this gives you the chance to test out an industry before you undergo training or seek full-time employment doing something you might not like.

Type Of Work You Might Do

There are all kinds of temporary jobs for hire. You can match a job to your skills and education. For instance, you can find temporary work as a nurse, accountant, or another well-paying job as long as you have the experience and training to qualify. Many temporary jobs are in the service and construction industries. Some of these can be daily pay jobs where you work when needed at construction sites or when a banquet is scheduled. You'll usually have a choice in jobs since many service jobs don't require a lot of training or experience to do. If you work through a temporary job placement agency, the agency may help match you to current needs so you can get to work as soon as possible.

Where To Find Temporary Jobs

You can search for temporary jobs with an employer directly, such as stores at the mall during the Christmas season. You can also work with an agency and go where you are needed for days or weeks at a time. Sometimes, when you work with an agency, it is like being employed full-time with the agency and you're just sent to various locations to work part-time. If you have office management or health care skills that earn a good wage, you may find you prefer working on temp jobs for the diversity in working environments that keep your job interesting.

Sometimes temporary jobs are viewed as undesirable because everyone wants the security of full-time income. However, you may find temp work enjoyable, especially since it brings in money when you need it most. You can still continue your job search for something permanent that pays better, but it's always nice to know you can take a temporary job if you need it.

Contact a company that can help you find temporary jobs for hire for more information and assistance. 
